I then prepared for my lovely and relaxing picnic in the secret garden! What a wonderful picnic it was! Lovely weather, beautiful garden, blanket, book, sandwich, smoothie, and chocolate : ) I also replied to a letter.....that I need to send.
Then, on my way home, I came across this girl in the woods who was calling for help but informed me she was not really in need of help. She was just trying to get her cousins to hurry up and get there : ) She then asked me a slew of questions (aka, are you American, how old are you?, you look older than that, where do you live, etc. etc. etc.) When her cousins arrived she introduced them all to me and it turns out I was the first American they had met. They showed me their den they were making and then Ben (5) proceeded to tell me he is actually Chinese and a master ninja. To this I had to tell him about all the guys at school who dress up as ninjas on a regular basis. And have fights. He thought this was pretty cool!
I had asked God for the opportunity to share with the kids but had NO idea how that would happen. Well amidst being asked if I swear and other fast questions....I was asked if I believe in God. Wow. Well, I am asking God that he use SOMETHING I said to make some sort of sense to them because.....well....I was not a very good explainer and was kind of all over the place. Anyway, a bit later, as I was preparing to leave Chloe (11) asked if I wanted to meet her mum, aunt, and uncle (I had already met her dad). I said sure and off we went. So, I ended up having a lovely chat and ok tinsey glass of wine with her family. Quite eye opening at the end as I was asked if I have ever been drunk and when I said no was told by the 11 year old I needed to (or something like that). Then the parents began talking about their drunk times and the kids chimed in about their parents. How sad! Anyway, two hours after I left my picnic I got home....what a wonderful time!

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