Saturday, April 2, 2011

100th Post

This is my 100th post!!!
I know, it's not a big deal to you, but I am a sentimental and nostalgic person so any "firsts", "lasts", and anniversary type things I like.

All that to say, I have been extremely busy and wanted my 100th blog to be thought out.
No, at the moment I don't know where I am going to take it....although I have some ideas.

I need to let things go.  I can argue and debate about things until I am finally deflated and could care less.  I am reaching that point/I am so out of control that I want to do something but know that nothing I do will change any of things I want to change.

I am writing a story for my creative writing class.  I want this story to be incredible!  As in, fantastic!  I need to finish it and have it edited by many people so it will be at its prime for being presented to my class.

Now, time for a reflection.

In the past 100 posts, minus two or four, I have traveled and experience many new things, adjusted back to home life, come back to "real" school (studying abroad is so fun), spent time with my lovely roommate, made new friends, grown old friendships, and discovered new facets to my life.

Now for pressing matters.

I have a growing summer book list and my class schedule for next semester is hugely up for debate.
There is one particular course I would like to take...but I don't want to get into it and not enjoy it.  However, the reading would be very educational and growing.  Then, I want to take Psalms but it conflicts with Theology 1, which means I will have to take a Monday class....which I really do not want to do.

I have letter to respond to and so much homework.
Philosophy papers....of gracious.
And reading...buh.
But, may I say, I love my friends so much.
I have become better friends with one individual and next year is going to be so much as we all live in the apartments and have conversations and cook together...and sip tea!

Needless to say, I am looking forward to the future with great anticipation!  Honestly, I am already, at times, getting Senioritis.  But, I am not ready to be finished yet.

My roommate graduates at the end of this semester.  She is amazing.  I am going to miss her so much.  Just knowing she is not on campus seems awful!!!

So, this blog was not very different than normal.  Maybe my 200th blog will be better.
Or, 101 : )

P.S. The ideas I had for my blog...well, I might write about them later...but it is too soon for them to make it into my 100th blog.

1 comment:

  1. how exciting!! I think I've only written 40 something posts.. they really do add up quickly!

    And, just for the record, this was a great post. :)


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