Friday, March 29, 2013

Dear Friday: Snow, Spring, Softball

The sun showed it's face!

Dear Friday, today I will take a picture for the newspaper of an event in which I grew up participating.  Very cool.

Dear Snow, I like you, but I'm hoping when I return from my mini-vaca that you will have melted.

Dear Springtime, please hurry up and arrive!  I want to wear sandals.

Dear Thursday, you were awesome.  I got to go to the Holy Week service, reminisce a little, go to Michael's game, and (the biggest surprise) watch Bath Co. play softball!  I loved getting to see all the students.

Dear Subbing, you are such an awesome job.  I am paid to do something I love--hang out with students and try to share some of my excitement of life and learning!

Dear Council Meetings, you gave me a doozy of a week.

Dear NC and SC, prepare for me to visit!  WooHoo!

Dear Duck Dynasty, you are so awesomely hilarious!  So quoteable, so funny, and so clean.

Dear Homes, I love having multiple of you.  I have many places to rest my head and many places where I am loved.

Dear Trey, I had fun with you the other night.  I like sharing "sibling moments" with you.


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