- My very first camping trip EVER! My college group and I went to The Pisgah National Forest and had a weekend full of getting lost, chinese fire drills, camp fires, smores, swimming and sliding down rocks = ) Quite fantastic memories!!!
- First college road trip with college friends = ) We went to Florida for a getaway weekend at my dads and to surprise Juliet at her soccer game that was just minutes from my house! On the way down I saw a Bentley (I think), we stopped for Frosty's, arrived and had Sushi (DELICIOUS), had funny sleeping arrangements, kitty allergies, yummy brunch, found English candy in Publix, had my first Pita Pit yumminess!!!, and so much more! These girls are FANTASTIC!!!

She was a lovely bride!!! Abi was such a beautiful flower girl (in picture)!
- I was snowed for the first time (I think ever) at the beginning of my Christmas vacation! It was quite the adventure! Our truck broke down and we were stuck for four hours until Joy and her dad came and rescued us! They were lovely! AND we got a GREAT dose of Christmas : )
- I wore my first camo jacket when we went on our hall retreat! It was awesome! 4-wheelers, fun games, hide and seek in the dark, BUT no alligators... = (
Maybe next time = )
- I sang my first broadway song....off broadway = )
Holland and I sang "Loathing" from Wicked! It was so great!
Next year Holland, next year = )
- I went on my very first, by myself, Spring Break trip to Maine to visit my babysitter from Pennsylvania when I was 5 and 6! It was SO wonderful to see her again and to meet her children and husband! I had my very first sip of maple sap before it became syrup = ) quite good actually!
- I rode my very first SNOWMOBILE while on Spring Break! Yes, yes, I know, while everyone else migrated to Florida I went wayyyy north! As in, I walked to the Canadian border : )
- I cut someone else's hair for the very first time on our college retreat in March (or was it April?) Anyway, it was such a fantastic time!!! And, his bangs turned out pretty decently, even using my Grandmother's very dull scissors : )
- I pierced someone's ear!!!! Now THAT was a college experience ; ) However, I learned after that I could have deformed her ear or paralyzed half her face. I am SO thankful God protected her...but that is the last cartilage I will be piercing!
- I went on my very first, official trip to Charleston, SC = ) We had an awesome time! It was quite the experience! Beautiful, old buildings! Lovely water! Wonderful friends! Delicious food! Oh, it was so much fun! See the girls in the picture? I love them dearly!
- I participated in my first ever paint war = ) It was also the last event of the semester of our Sophomore year! What a fun time! Although, I think about 3-4 hair washes later I still had flecks of paint in it : ) It was worth it, though!
- I boarded my first, by-myself international flight to ENGLAND!!!!! What a trip! I am having a fantastic time and time is flying by! Next up, GERMANY!!!
- To top it ALL off.....I went to the Men's Finals at WIMBLEDON!!!! Wow, it was SO much fun!!!
God has been so good to me this year! He has provided and continues to! I think He is still teaching me trust and patience because things tend to go till the last minute : ) (meaning me waiting on Him). However, I have done so much, including flying to England and living here ALL before I turned 19!!! Which, I did today = )
Oh, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DADDY!!!!! I love you!!!!!!
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