3,000 miles away my dad, brother, and step-mom are at the beach, my mom is in VA, and I am in London.
It's ok. I am having a wonderful and blessed time! God has been doing wonderful things!
I have been having the gift of getting to know my England family better! It is so nice to not feel rushed. I know I will see them even when we say goodbye!
This past weekend I went to Stevenage to visit Auntie Michele and family. After a few hours I made it. During those hours Murray lost and Nadal became a Wimbledon finalist! I arrived and began to say hi and settle in. We ate dinner, walked the dogs, and watched 27 Dresses (a good chick flick : ) )! The next day was a busy one full of cleaning, going out, getting ready, and finally a BIRTHDAY PARTY/Graduation Party!!! Jess, Iain, and I have birthdays within 11 days of each other and BEx just finished Secondary school! I was a bit nervous (ok, a little more than a bit) because everyone had invited guests (except for myself, of course) and I was worried I would end up feeling left out. Well, it was a little uncomfortable for the first 30 minutes or so and then Jess, Jamie (Jess' boyfriend), and I chatted and then her friends began to arrive! They were SO nice! The totally included me and it was great fun getting to know them! I greatly look forward to seeing them again!
The night included me being the "american", the one whose brother looks like Zac Efron, telling about America, answering questions, just talking : ), setting off lighting Chinese Lanterns to fly away and in the process thought I was going to catch the tree, the table, and the roof on fire, and doing a fairy dance with and directed by a four year old with my Aunt, Cousin, and cousin's friend. Oh, and, I tried Irish Cream. Ew. No thanks. At first it tasted good, then it kinda burned a little and tasted kinda ick. After two sips I decided it was too sweet and would taste better in coffee. After three sips....I kinda wanted to throw up. I am still holding out for the Pink Champagne = )
Jess and I went to bed...which then led to talking until 1:30! It was really great...except we had to get up between 8 and 8:30 to go to WIMBLEDON!!!! So, 8:35 or 8:37 I think I finally rolled out of bed and got ready. We left the house at 9:15, went to the train station, bought our tickets, and off we went on our adventure! The train trip was SO fast compared to my trip there! We took the tube to Victoria Tube Station where we waited for the Wimbledon tube! The whole time I was trying to guess who was going based on clothes and conversations : ) We finally make it and begin walking to the grounds! We were given free strawberries that were scrumptious and then this guy asked us something that all ran together. Well, I replied with, "no" which is what I do if I don't understand someone. Or I smile. Well, he got kind of annoyed and was like you need to go this way. Well, good thing he spoke up. Turns out he said, "are you a ticket holder?" Since we were not (this time!!) we had to go a different way to queue up. It really was not that long and we had a fabulous time! We walked around and then headed off to Wimbledon Village for a picnic. The gentleman we asked about supermarkets said, this is Wimbledon. Well, I am sorry, but for what we paid TOTAL we would have been able to buy two hamburger meals and no strawberries. I was pleased. Oh, and we got Starbucks.....so we saved money : ) In the process we planned our next trip to Wimbledon two years from now (hopefully). Hello, graduation present to ourselves! Parents are welcome to chip in if they so desire ; ) Although, we decided we would rather have a car from them than help with Wimbledon. Haha. Anyway, next time:

-Summer Dresses
-Sun Hats
-Cute Shoes (duh)
-Either, a taxi or a private car (okok let me dream)
-Strawberries and Champagne : )
-Oh, and eating on top of Centre Court!
So, we planned this while walking to and from Wimbledon Village.
We got back to the grounds and the hill was PACKED! Literally, we walked all the way around and then through and finally hit an almost dead end. Some guy who I was standing in front of looked up and asked if I knew where I was going. I looked at him and said, "I have no clue!" Well, thankfully, we ended up with good seats and space to breathe! Two cartons of Strawberries later and a win from Nadal and a few clothing criticisms later we packed up, went to the Wimbledon shop, took more photos around, and left = ) What a day!!!!!
It was such a wonderful time! Alas, I did not see Nadal. Oh well, next time : )
God was so good allowing this to all fall into place! I can't wait to see what He has planned for my first time in Centre Court!
God has blessed me so much over the past 18 years, 364 days and 5 minutes!!! Wow. One year left to be a teenager : )
I cannot wait to see what happens this year!
My parents always say, I am a dreamer......
The "always a dreamer" is fast becoming the "forever writer" - you are good! I'd buy your books.