Friday, November 2, 2012

Friday's Letters: Continually New

Abi (Queen Esther) and me (Queen of Sheba) at the harvest festival
Dear Friday, You came so quickly this week.  Last week took forever, this week flew by.  I think it is the new work schedule.

Dear Numb3rs, Still watching you and still loving you.  I'm now watching from the first season.  So. Good.

Dear White Collar and Downton Abbey, I can't wait for your seasons to begin! (I'm really not a crazed TV watcher...but I have a few shows that I LOVE.)

Dear Lynchburg, why is it that when I am going one direction, I am driving North and South at the same time?  Oy!

Dear Saturday, I'm so excited for a Skype date and a party to see friends!

Dear Thanksgiving, I have you off!!!

Dear November, I'm excited you are here!  It means I get to see Josh!

Dear God, Thank you for this next/continuing step of life you have given me.  I'm excited to see where it goes (and what's next).  (I realize I am still that girl always wondering what is "next.")


1 comment:

  1. I know this week has passed super fast! I am excited that It's November because now I can begin my Christmas countdown! Yay!

    Have an amazing weekend (:

    xoxo Yesi <3


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