Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ode To Christmas

I watched a Christmas episode of the Walton's.  Needless to say, I have been imagining the snowy mountains of Virginia for a while.  I look forward to walking into my grandparents house with the tree in the front room, yummy smells wafting through the house, family laughing, children playing, and yummy goodies everywhere.

As I write this I am drinking a hot chocolate concoction I made.  Hot chocolate mix, cadbury cocoa, a dassh of vanilla, cinnamon, canned milk, and hot water.  Delicious, although it could use some more chocolate.

Yes, I am ready for cold weather.  Bundling up to stay warm.  Snow!  Cozying up and chatting with friends.  Playing games!!!  Oh, I am so ready for the Christmas season!

1 comment:

  1. You are so adorable! I miss you! I need to start my blog up again now that I am back from camp!


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