Now, today I began watching the children at noon. I was not sure what the day was going to hold. We were planning on going to the park. This has not happened. Rather, they played, I did laundry, it drizzled, I read about Germany, we read a few books together, and then we decided to put on our wellies and pick blackberries = ) This was, indeed, a fantastic idea! I was wearing my long and flowing white skirt with me wellies. It was a romantic outfit. I felt I could be ready to tackle any blackberry bush thrown my way with my beautiful wellies and romantic, novelesque skirt. Well, off we trooped. Wellies, bowls, and my camera to document our little adventure : )
I have been longing for a good thunder storm. Of course, as we are walking I hear thunder in the distance. We kept going, though. We picked and picked. Jude was having more fun pointing out the berries to me so I could pick them rather than picking them himself. Granted, many of the berries were out of their reach but some of them, they just didn't pick...
The kids have been wonderful today! I have so enjoyed our time together! Today has been especially special. I am not sure why. An answer to prayer it is for sure!
The children are playing in the back garden. I just saw the foxes run in the field behind our garden. I feel as if I ought to be a scene in a novel today. I love it!
Oh, I looked out the window earlier and saw Jude holding a bird! I thought it was alive. It was the bird living under the mint that Mary sprayed with the water last night because she did not know it was under there. Turns out, it was dead. I scolded him and explained why you NEVER pick up dead animals and then we washed out hands!! I took the shovel and scooped it up. It is sitting in the shovel waiting for Mary to get home.
That is all for now : )
Ok, 10 minutesish later. I walked into the kitchen looking for the cobbler. I didn't see it anywhere. I thought to myself, did the kids take it somewhere? OH NO! I forgot! I had put it back in the oven to back a little longer. Oy, well, I tasted it and it tasted good : ) All is still well!
The Crumbly Cobbler turned out well : )
Facebook has now been updated with photos, as has my blog!
Now, for that movie I have been meaning to watch....if I can make myself sit still to watch it!
oh my word... Darling Kirsten, You have such a way with words. You say things in exactly the same way I would describe them too! I just loved reading this :) It has made my heart content.
O, precious Sweet Sunshine. Just read this again. Makes my heart happy! I love you.