I hope you all had a fabulous weekend!
My weekend was filled with pancakes, maple syrup, lots of people (friends, acquaintances, and strangers), and laughter.
Last weekend Amanda and I
went to the Maple Festival, ate pancakes, and visited Monterey. This weekend, we went as far as Bolar and served pancakes on Saturday and Sunday. Hundreds of people come through the Bolar Ruritan Club over the two weekends. Two long tables and eight (ish) smaller tables provide seating for the tourists and locals to enjoy made-from-scratch buckwheat or buttermilk pancakes. Strangers sit across from each other, swapping stories.
When we arrived Saturday morning, we were put on sausage duty. Yes, Amanda and I are now professional sausage makers. We handled about 30lbs. of homemade sausage and know how to make perfect sausage patties--another skill added to our "useless resume" (that we are thinking about creating...you know, all the skills we have that won't get us hired).
Pulled out of the kitchen, I started serving (my favorite!). The busier things are, the more enjoyable it is. When thing slow...it is so boring. Anyway, we had a great time. We arrived at 7:45 AM and left at 2:30 PM. A long and awesome day.
Saturday night we helped at One Way Cafe, an outreach for the youth in the area. Super fun!
Sunday morning we headed up to Bolar again, arriving around 10:15. Some kids from the night before were there, as were a couple of students I've had in class (they are so sweet)! It was awesome to work with the kids. They are helpful, funny, and make everything brighter.
Trey's Super Bowl football banquet was Sunday, late afternoon. I decided I would rather go and not know many people, rather than being home alone.
Highlight of Saturday: Being asked to prom. It happened. (I should add, this is a highlight because I graduated almost five years ago...he didn't believe me when I first said, "I think I'm too old for you.")
Highlight of Sunday: Working with so many awesome kids and talking at the end of the day.
Highlight of the weekend: Seeing so many people I know (yes, I even saw my first softball coach from 4th grade).
On the drive home
Photo by K.L.R. |
Bustling time at the Ruritan Club
Photo by K.L.R. |
Making sausages and taking a pancake break.
Photo by K.L.R. |
Pancakes on the griddle.
Photo by K.L.R. |
Syrup and cakes!
Photo by K.L.R. |