Sunday, September 5, 2010

Today is THE Day!

3 September 2010
13:24 (1:24 PM):

Today is the day in which the past year or waiting is over : )
I have been preparing for this packing for the past two days.
This morning I woke up, have done two loads of laundry and I need to go and hang the last load on the line!
I am SO excited because on top of getting to go to Germany I ALSO get to surprise two of my friends!!!!!
Surprises are just the BEST!
So, my room is completely cluttered with ALL of my stuff. Seriously, WHY did I bring it all? I haven't even used it all!  Although, I have used a lot of it.
I am just having to cut down for Germany and leave a lot here!
Well, I need to hang laundry, shower, run errands, pack, etc. etc. etc.
More later!

17:09 (5:09 PM):

Well, I have made my last trip into Blackheath until December AND when I arrived home....I hung up my keys.
BUT I am SOOO excited!!! In twelve hours I will be at the AIRPORT!
The thought struck me today...when I go to buy something in Germany...they are going to be speaking GERMAN so how will I understand them?  Well, I guess I will just have to learn German : )
I have so much packing and cleaning I need to do!

18:26 (6:26 PM):

I am almost packed!  Well, almost makes me nervous because I don't have a scale to weigh my bags.  Maybe the nice person checking me in will take pity on me and just let it pass like the nice Irishman when I checked into Newark when this adventure was first beginning : )
I am slightly nervous about my luggage.  Well, we will see how it turns out.
Just a few more hours until Hannah and Aaron will be boarding THEIR airplane for an 8-9 hour flight to MUNCHEN!!!!  AND she still thinks I am not going!!! BEST part!
I am so excited!
Although, every time I have a big packing assignment I wish that I had a button to push, like Mrs. Jetson, so my wardrobe would fold into a tiny suitcase!
Dinner soon!

21:13 (9:13 PM):

6ish hours until I need to be awake. Bahhh!
So not done, but far closer than I was!
I got change for my taxi rid in the morning!  That cost me the health of my stomach.  And Jude's!  He walked with me to the corner store so I could change and on the way back we tried a couple yummy looking blackberries.  Ok. The GROSSEST thing I think I have EVER put in my mouth.  As in, I kind of want to throw up.  It tasted like the smell of skunk on a dog.  Blech!!!!

I am slightly concerned about the weight of my suitcase. Tim brought me home a backpack : )
I am leaving behind a lot!  I MUST minimize before I got back to the USofA!
Ok. Onward I pack and clean to the tunes of Hawk Nelson : )

5 Sept. 2010

So, I woke up at 3 AM, crawled out of bed at 3:20, got ready, and left at 5 till 4.  Wow, I was tired yesterday. And today.  Anyway, I am in Germany!!! More SOON!

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