Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday's Letters: A Month Long Week

Dear Michael, Happy Birthday week!  You are now 17! grown up : )

Dear Friday, what a busy day you are.

Dear Week, you've been full, sad, fun, and you're not done.  I can hardly remember Monday.

Dear Self, you've got to get a move on. Pack, bake a pie, absentee vote, etc. etc. etc.

Dear Numb3rs, you are an addictive show.  I love the mathematical solutions (I"m not really a math person so it is awesome!).

Dear Mama, thanks for discovering the show!  I like watching it with you : )

Dear Harvest Festival, I have to bake a pie and pick an Old Testament character to dress up as.  But, it will be FUN!

Dear God, Thank You for providing, leading, and changing me plans.  It keeps me guessing.  Also, thank You for the beautiful autumn this year.  The colors are amazing.  I can't get over how beautiful everything is.  I am constantly in awe.


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