Wednesday, January 9, 2013

How to Handle Lunch Table Bullies by Shania

Last night The New Normal returned to the television after a short, holiday break.

Shania, the daughter of the surrogate mother, is easily one of my favorite characters.  She is a unique individual who doesn't bend to the norm, but she still wants what everyone wants, to be accepted.  Some girls at school were being rude and bullying her. 

Her grandmother tried to help by putting her in a "Nancy Reagan Red" suit, complete with pearls.  You guessed it, it didn't work. 

Next, the assistant taught her to wiggle her head, wag her finger, and knock them from their high horses by pointing out their flaws and declaring herself Queen Bee.  It worked.

Later, you see them all at Shania's house.  Shania is standing on the coffee table carrying on...until finally she declares there will be no Queen Bee.  The other girls are confused, which Shania follows up with the need for women to support each other (she then hands them books about her favorite feminists).  But, the best part is her saying they were going to burn all their barbies to break the idea of their bodies having to look a certain way and then " intoxicated by the plastic fumes."  Seriously, I cracked up.

Anyway, I just needed to share that quote.

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